Matt and I are pretty serious about not allowing Joshua to sleep in our bed UNLESS there is a thunderstorm. Well, a couple of nights ago, there was such an occasion. It happened about 4 a.m., and Matt just brought Joshua in and put him in the middle of the bed. I moved over a bit to allow for our guest, but Joshua absolutely refused to move over off of Matt's side of the bed. The result was that poor Matt was half hanging off of the bed for the remainder of the night. The next morning, Joshua decided to complain to me about how "smushed" and "squished" he was in our bed because there just wasn't room for him. Poor guy. . .
Today at school, Joshua was a fire breathing dragon. He was having fun fire breathing until he decided that he would rather be a police officer. Um, OK.
Our cat sometimes has these asthmatic sounding coughing attacks that sound like she is hacking up a lung. She had one such attack a few days ago, and I reported it to Matt. Joshua asked what "hackupping" is.
Tonight, Joshua was explaining trick or treating to me. Trick or treating is for kids who are "4 or 5 or 6 or 7 or 3 or 2 or 1, but not for adults with big numbers or for babies." I think I'm an adult with a big number.
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